Healing; Feeling Worse Before We Feel Better

A theme that’s been arising in my work with clients and talking to other therapists and helpers; is the pattern of feeling worse before feeling better while we are healing.  I remember learning how to tell clients this in graduate school and during my internship. It was something that I was taught to say and remind clients at the beginning of our therapeutic relationship. Most paperwork for therapists and sometimes other healers mentions this in ….read on; illumination awaits….

Don’t Overlook the Dark In Search of the Light

In recent weeks the news and social media have been filled with the Supreme Court hearings and sexual assault news. I thought that I had “gotten past” my issues with sexual assault and that it wouldn’t upset me. I haven’t gotten overly stressed or upset to the point of not functioning, but it has brought up a couple of memories that I tried to forget.  This is a part of my life and includes information ….read on; illumination awaits….

Finding Yourself in Hard Times

Reading the news and having conversations with people in my life has inspired me to write this blog. When the larger society we are a part of is experiencing struggle, it can feel like the whole world is coming down around us. That is so difficult. What do we do? This blog is written for you, for me and for those who wish to enliven their love, compassion and highest good in this world. Within ….read on; illumination awaits….

Yearnings of the Heart

Every heart has yearnings; and those yearnings are typically messy, Un-sophisticated, Un-wieldy and non-linear. Our hearts are full of poetry and when we live from the heart our life becomes poetry. Not buttoned-up, perfected, every thing in its place poetry; but our lives become the spontaneous, organic, dynamic, messy magic that poetry and heart are. I see heart when I watch someone releasing their pain with loved ones. Allowing the tears to carry the weight ….read on; illumination awaits….

Being Big; Shifting from Painful to Powerful: Empowerment Series #3

What do I really mean by being Big? In #1 of this empowerment series I discussed why feeling small is painful. In comparison, expressing yourself fully and authentically feels Big. Actually it’s the full expression of who you are, but after years of holding back and doubting and being small; it feels vulnerable to be Big. Being Big is being able to take stock, in the moment, of emotions, sensations, wants, needs and to express ….read on; illumination awaits….

I’m Wounded, and That’s Okay: Empowerment Series #2

I was hiking today and no one was around. I was noticing my surroundings as I also noticed my thoughts. A thought came up about my attachment style. Recently, as I worked with my therapist, she used the term “ambivalent” attachment. Now, I know what that term means in my mind. I am trained in counseling and psychology. When I studied in school I gave higher or lesser values for the different attachment styles. I’ve ….read on; illumination awaits….