I’m going to share with you one of the easiest ways I’ve found to work with dissociation; when someone is dissociating from the body. I would recommend this for people who have a solid practice in being able to regulate themselves. If that isn’t you, maybe try this with your therapist. Also, if you begin to associate more with the body, you will likely come upon stored wounds, traumas or emotions. If this happens and ….read on; illumination awaits….
Category: trauma
Don’t Overlook the Dark In Search of the Light
In recent weeks the news and social media have been filled with the Supreme Court hearings and sexual assault news. I thought that I had “gotten past” my issues with sexual assault and that it wouldn’t upset me. I haven’t gotten overly stressed or upset to the point of not functioning, but it has brought up a couple of memories that I tried to forget. This is a part of my life and includes information ….read on; illumination awaits….
What my work as a crisis counselor & supervisor has taught me blog series: #1
I began working as a crisis counselor after I graduated from my Masters’ program.This program did not teach me crisis counseling, but did prepare me with a strong foundation of being with people when they are in pain; which is a pretty strong foundation. So, I began this work open and ready to learn and grow. Because I was such a young clinician, this added to my foundation and forever changed the way I will ….read on; illumination awaits….
How to Slow Down and Prevent Re-Traumatization
I’ve had the experience, time and again, a client really wants to be heard. It happens in groups and one on one. Too often, in the rush to have their story heard, striving for community and connection, a client begins to tell a painful story. It often starts with little nervous system activation, but as the client gets more into detail their nervous system goes into flight, fight or freeze and, boom, they are somewhere ….read on; illumination awaits….